Sunday 2 August 2015

10 Terrifying Laws Dictated By ISIS You Must Read And Feel Thankful For You Aren’t Under Them.

IS or Islamic State is fast growing and spreading it’s terror even quickly! Even India’s neighbors aren’t too far from them. But worry not Indian Army is here! But meanwhile, read these scary and nerve wrecking ‘laws’ which are forced upon the citizens. Read them and feel bad for those who aren’t as lucky as us.

1. Women will have to wear Islamic dress all the time and must not leave the house, unless very necessary. Here too, they should not leave without their husbands or will have to face number of lashes. 


2. When this is how they treat women from their religion, think what could be the plight of non- Muslims or ‘kaafir’ as they call them. Such infidel women no matter their age as treated as sex slaves and are subjected to violent brutality. They are often given as ‘rewards’. 



3. Petty crimes such as stealing will result in cutting of right hand and left leg. 


4. People are forced to pray and even shops are closed during that time of day. Some shopkeepers use to lock themselves in their shops but, IS patrol found out and threw them out, forcing to pray.


5. Neither can men escape from this torture; they are held responsible for every ‘mistake’ a women does in his society. This is punishable by several lashes in public. 


6. Selling or consuming alcohol, cigarettes or drugs is punishable by 80 whips.


7. Idol worship is strictly prohibited in Islam and therefore, museums and other such things are destroyed. 


8. Homosexuality is a grave sin and is punishable only by death of both the partners. Death often comes by throwing the person from a height, in public.


9. Guess what price shall be paid if you gave wrong directions to someone? Lashes and also, you may lose your limbs! 

10. Disbelief in God or leaving the group equals to getting executed. Not a week goes without someone being executed. 

A second part of the ISIS (Islamic State) video also shows the mass murder of Syrian military personnel by beheading allegedly led by Jihadi John at a desert location. Grabbed from Twitter account:









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